
Submitted or in preparation

Medeiros, L. P., Sorenson, D. K., Johnson, B. J., Palkovacs, E. P., and Munch, S. B. (In preparation). Revealing unseen dynamical regimes of ecosystems from population time-series data.

Medeiros, L. P., Grady, K. O., Coates, J. H., and Munch, S. B. (In preparation). Predicting and controlling the dynamics of market squid with Empirical Dynamic Modelling.


For the most up-to-date information, please check my Google Scholar page.

  • Medeiros, L. P. and Saavedra, S. (2023). Understanding the state-dependent impact of species correlated responses on community sensitivity to perturbations. Ecology, e4115.
  • Camacho, L. A., Andreazzi, C. S., Medeiros, L. P., Birskis-Barros, I., Emer, C., Reigada, C., and Guimarães Jr, P. R. (2023). Cheating interactions favor modularity in mutualistic networks. Oikos, 2023(3), e09176.
  • Medeiros, L. P., Allesina, S., Dakos, V., Sugihara, G., and Saavedra, S. (2023). Ranking species based on sensitivity to perturbations under non-equilibrium community dynamics. Ecology Letters, 26(1), 170-183.
  • Medeiros, L. P.*, Song, C.*, and Saavedra, S. (2021). Merging dynamical and structural indicators to measure resilience in multispecies systems. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90(9), 2027–2040. (*equal contribution)
  • Medeiros, L. P., Boege, K., Del-Val, E., Zaldívar-Riverón, A., and Saavedra, S. (2021). Observed ecological communities are formed by species combinations that are among the most likely to persist under changing environments. The American Naturalist, 197(1), E17–E29.
  • Saavedra, S., Medeiros, L. P., and AlAdwani, M. (2020). Structural forecasting of species persistence under changing environments. Ecology Letters, 23(10), 1511-1521.
  • Pires, M. M., O’Donnell, J. L., Burkle, L. A., Diaz-Castelazo, C., Hembry, D. H., Yeakel, J. D., Newman, E. A., Medeiros, L. P., De Aguiar, M. A. M., and Guimarães Jr, P. R. (2020). The indirect paths to cascading effects of extinctions in mutualistic networks. Ecology, 101(7), e03080.
  • Cenci, S., Medeiros, L. P., Sugihara, G., and Saavedra, S. (2020). Assessing the predictability of nonlinear dynamics under smooth parameter changes. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 17(162), 20190627.
  • Medeiros, L. P., Garcia, G., Thompson, J. N., and Guimarães Jr, P. R. (2018). The geographic mosaic of coevolution in mutualistic networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(47), 12017-12022.
  • Dáttilo, W., Lara-Rodríguez, N., Jordano, P., Guimarães Jr, P. R., Thompson, J. N., Marquis, R. J., Medeiros, L. P., Ortiz-Pulido, R., Marcos-García, M. A. and Rico-Gray, V. (2016). Unraveling Darwin’s entangled bank: architecture and robustness of mutualistic networks with multiple interaction types. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 283(1843), 20161564.